Snap It Anyway- Finding Photography Inspiration

  " What school did you get your photography degree from?"

This was a question I was recently asked by a passer-by at a market I was at.

I began to question if not having a degree made me less of a photographer. After all, I just grew the nerve to call myself a photographer just over a year ago...that took a long time.

Maybe you are new with a camera and feel hesitant to take pictures because you don't know how to use it. Maybe you feel down by comparing yourself to photographers who have been at it for a while. Really, the only way to grow is to start. You may get one picture you like out of a hundred at first, but that's ok. Ask for help, and hopefully you will find a compassionate ear willing to help!

No super high-tech gear, no degree, no perfectly-sitting-still models required--just passion and enjoyment of doing something you love can make it worthwhile. PRACTICE A LOT!

If you ask me, being able to capture a moment in time or the life of my kids is pretty priceless.  Capturing the details is a passion of mine, whether it be the speckles on eggs, cupcake sprinkles, or the eyelashes of my 2 year old.

Photography Details


If people say you are just a mom with a camera, keep snapping pictures anyway.

If you enjoy taking picture of people, things, flowers, animals...whatever it is, just snap it anyway.

I love this picture I took a couple of months ago of my girls. None of them were sitting still and I couldn't fit them in the picture completely with my crop-sensor camera and 50mm lens, but I snapped it anyway.


Photography Inspiration