The Month of May With LifeCreated

May was 31 days of events and photos all gone in a blur! We have officially been Arizona residents for 5 oldest daughter graduated kindergarten, lost her first 2 teeth and got bitten by a scorpion. We celebrated 8 years of marriage, I taught a workshop at The Simple Farm and my husband finished another semester of more to go before graduation. YAY! I photographed a maternity session, saw my photos for Green Table Gifts published in Celebrate Magazine and now am working on a BIG project with a many good things going on. Besides the triple digit temperatures that have started occurring here in Arizona, I think the summer will be full of more great memories.

Enjoy this reflection of the month of May with LifeCreated. Thank you for visiting the blog today, and I hope June is full of many positive experiences for us all- not to mention, I turn 32. Yikes.

lifecreated photographylifecreated photographyphotography


Arizona photographer