Brussel Sprout Salad With Bacon

I am always in need of a quick, easy and healthy meal that satisfies my standards for healthy eating and also satisfies my husbands love for meat. We all eat and love meat, but I am fine eating it just a few times a week, while my husband prefers it almost every day. I am lucky if I can skip a day! That being said, this brussel sprout salad with bacon definitely fit the bill, and even my 3 year old chomped down on the brussel sprouts before I could get them steamed. I was suprised to say the least. If you have a hard time convincing your family to eat brussel sprouts, mix in some bacon and that might do the trick! :)

Recipe: Brussel Sprout Salad



Brussel sprouts (cut in half)



Garlic powder



Sunflower Sprouts

Olive oil

More optional add-ins: purple onion, mushrooms



Cook you bacon however you like it. I put mine on a broiler pan in the oven at 350 degrees until crispy. Once crispy, break it up into bite-sized chunks and set aside.

In a covered dish, place your halved brussel sprouts with some salt and pepper to taste and a few tablespoons of water. Steam them in the microwave for 2-3 minutes.

Brussel sprouts will still be somewhat firm, but place them in a skillet. At 1 table spoon of butter and saute them until the get a little gold-brown color, and the green is still vibrant. The brussel sprouts should be soft but not mushy. Give a squirt of lemon and sprinkle of garlic powder as you cook them.

The last few minutes of cooking the sprouts, feel free to throw in any of your other add-ins like purple onion or mushrooms if you wish. Let them soften just a little with another tbs of butter if you would like.

Remove items from the pan and place into a serving dish. Sprinkle any extra sunflower sprouts on top and stir. Give everything a nice drizzle of olive oil and don't forget the bacon!


Recipe: Brussel Sprout Salad With Bacon