Homemade Blueberry Maple Syrup; LifeStyled Details

I couldn't resist sharing a homemade blueberry maple syrup recipe, because it is so simple! During a recent trip to a local restaurant, I received a jar of "blueberry syrup" and noticed the ingredients were some blueberries with sugar and a few other ingredients. How much better would it be to just use natural maple syrup instead! The life-styled details photography challenge for the year is already on it's second day, and today was the theme of "something blue"...so now is a great time to share it.

homemade blueberry maple syrup and photography820


I have had maple syrup on my mind lately because the process of extracting it from trees has been the hot topic in our nightly reading of Little House on the Prairie.

We get to read all about how Pa and Grandpa use buckets and spile-type instruments to extract the sap from trees and boil it down. The entire chapter on maple syrup treats had our mouths watering.

Letting the trees do the work for us, and benefiting from simpler recipes with less processed sugar can only be a good thing.

Anyway, onto the syrup and photographs ;)


Recipe: Blueberry Maple Syrup

6oz. blueberries

1 cup pure maple syrup

optional: squirt of lemon


I simply boiled a cup of maple syrup and 6 oz. of blueberries slowly. Once they start simmering, I took a whisk and fork, mashing the blueberries and let them simmer for a good 15 minutes. I strained the berries syrup into a jar, removing chunks.

Drizzled over pancakes...yum!

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blueberry maple syrup; cookbook photography