The Small Businesses I Support

In 2015 I will be starting a monthly post that will share all of the handmade businesses I worked with or supported during that month...I can't wait to share some of these awesome shops with more of you. Throughout the year I always encourage anyone I can to buy handmade or local....supporting small businesses can bring great joy to you as the customer, and the business owner who feels rewarded for the work they have put into their dream.

In November, I supported a few local artists and businesses, one of which was One More Bite Bakery. Her pecan pie was such a hit, but I have to admit that I ate half of the pie myself. NO LIE! was worth it ;)

by One More Bite Bakery


I look forward to all of the small businesses I will get to work with in 2015. If you would like me to feature you and share your shop, contact me anytime! Also, please don't forget that if you work with me, you have the choice to snag space on my sidebar for just $4 a month :)

Contact me for details!


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