Buttered Chicken and Pasta

Moms love a good one-dish dinner now and then. If you follow me on instagram, you may have realized I LOVE BUTTER. I would put butter on just about anything if I could, but when it came to dinner last night, I reached for one of my favorite butters of all time. Nourished Prickly Pear Scorpion Cactus Compound Butter. Just read the ingredients and not have you mouth water. The butter is creamy with a little spice to it, but not enough to make you reach for a glass of water right away. I made dinner last night using it...


Buttered Chicken Pasta

1) After removing the desired amount of chicken from the grill, I chopped it into chunks and then basted all of the chunks in softened/melted compound butter.

2) I added the buttered chicken to a bowl with the drained pasta

3) Add a dash of coconut oil, a squirt of lemon, chopped basil and a little salt and pepper.

Enjoy and try to not eat every bite without sharing ;)

(We served a side of steamed zucchini with this and it was a perfect pairing)


buttered chicken and pastabuttered chicken and pasta