Supporting Small Businesses With More Than Your Money

Working with small businesses is an integral part of my passion for photographing food and products. Not only do I get to photograph unique and beautiful things, but the result of my work benefits these businesses in a variety of ways. I admit that a few of my jobs photographing products started with me as the consumer of the product first. The initiative I had for some businesses has helped me indirectly.  

small business support

Business owners appreciate customers who support them with their dollars. But, we all know sometimes the wallets are tighter and we can't always buy like we want to. When you can't support your favorite businesses with your dollars, remember your kind word-of-mouth or referral is free. Many people won't purchase an item unless it has good reviews or is referred to them by a friend. Be that friend! Be a friend to a business you love and buy something, or say something about them.

When I work with a business, it becomes a relationship to me. I buy from them. I share them on social media. I blog about them, and when I can't always buy, I will refer them.