2017 News, Details Photography Events

I am excited for the things 2017 will bring, some of which you might have already heard about!

February brings another beginners workshop at The Simple Farm, and March brings the first Backgrounds and bases workshop, both of with are now registering. See the "Learn" tab at the top right to sign up.

The blog will have a new series every Wednesday, all about the "Story In The Picture". You may have seen the first post last month, and now that the website has been revamped for 2017, I am excited to continue it.

 You may also remember 2016 brought the Lifestyled details challenge... for those of us wanting to be challenged in our food and still life art throughout the year. Around summer time we took a pause on the challenge, and I am excited to bring it back this year.



I am realistic about the busyness of everyone, so I am asking that we may set aside some small time to plan and share this artistic side of ourselves.

I recently read photography is a "gift". While we technically "take" a picture,  the images are really a gift "received" through our cameras. I love the way our perspectives can be so varied, we can all look at an image and see different things.

Will you participate with us every Tuesday and Thursday in this "challenge" or really the journey of discovering details with the light around you?

Remember the hashtags we used last year?

#lifestyleddetails #lifecreatedchallenge #stilllifedetails #lifecreateddetails

Please visit the Facebook page on Tuesdays and Thursdays to share your image, and don't be afraid to join us.

Jan 10- Breakfast

Jan 12- In Your Hands

Jan 17- On the ground

Jan 19- Flowers

Jan 24- Salad Ingredients

Jan 26- By the window


Thank you for your time in reading the blog today, and I can't wait to collaborate with more of you in the new year!